Group Therapy

Group therapy sessions are a safe, confidential space to share and explore concerns and learn new strategies for overcoming challenges. Group therapy sessions are open to all students, unless otherwise indicated.

How to Join a Group

Summer 2024

Frequent questions

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How do groups work?

Our groups typically meet for 60 minutes once a week. Some groups meet for most of the semester, while others are short term—four to six sessions. Most groups consist of four to ten members. Process groups provide an environment for students to identify and explore emotions, give and receive support, and practice healthy ways of relating to others. Psychoeducational groups focus on developing skills around a particular concern and often involve discussions and experiential activities to apply the skills you are learning.

How do I get started?

The screening gives you a chance to ask questions and determine if the group is a good fit for your needs. Students who are new to the MHC should discuss their interest in group during Brief Consultation. Your consultant will arrange for you to meet with the appropriate group therapist for an Intake Appointment. 

Why should I try a group? Will it be as effective as individual therapy?

Group therapy is considered to be one of the most effective forms of treatment for many issues that confront undergraduate and graduate students, such as depression, anxiety, grief/loss, low self-esteem and troubled relationships. Students who try group therapy find that it provides a safe and supportive place to explore their concerns and learn new strategies for overcoming challenges.

Do I have to reveal all my deepest secrets and feelings to the group?

No. You can decide how much and when to share your feelings with the group and no one will force you to share more than you feel comfortable with. Most students are apprehensive about attending a group for the first time and wonder what it will be like to share with people they do not know. However, most find they become more comfortable over time and value the support and feedback they get from their peers. All group members are expected to maintain the confidentiality of the group so everyone can feel safe sharing.

Still have questions? Contact us.

Still have questions?

Contact us at [email protected] or 612-624-1444