In person biometric screenings at Boynton are now open.
Appointments are required. Check-in is room W-227, located on the second floor of Boynton Health.
Biometric Screening Tests
Attend a Biometric Health Screening and a few simple tests will give you:
- Total Cholesterol*
- HDL and LDL Cholesterol*
- Blood Pressure
- Blood Glucose*
- Body Composition
Important to Your Screening
*In order to complete the blood work portion of the screening, you must fast (not eat anything) for at least eight hours before your appointment. Water is permitted, but coffee, tea, or pop (soda) may interfere with the test and should be avoided.
- Each screening session takes approximately 15 minutes.
- All employees are required to show their Medica insurance card to verify eligibility.
- Biometric Health Screenings are not a substitute for annual visits with your primary care provider.
Biometric Health Screening Schedule
- University of Minnesota faculty and staff on Medica's UPlan health insurance.
- Insurance covered spouses, fall under these plans.
- Participation in Wellbeing Program activities is voluntary.