What Is HPV?
HPV, or Human Papillomavirus, is the most common sexually transmitted infection. HPV can be transmitted through any type of sex—vaginal sex, anal sex, and oral sex. Some strains of HPV can cause cancer and genital warts. Condoms and dental dams used during any type of sex can help lower the risk of transmitting HPV.
The HPV Vaccine Is a Cancer Vaccine
Boynton Health recommends that all people who are 26 years old or younger get the HPV vaccine. This three-shot vaccine series protects you from the highest-risk strains of HPV. The HPV vaccine is safe and very effective.
This vaccine has recently been approved for those 27-45.
Call 612-625-3222 to make your appointment today.
Cost of the HPV Vaccine
There is no out-of-pocket cost at Boynton Health if you are 26 years old or younger; and, if you pay the student services fee.
If you are 27-45, please contact your insurer to determine your out of pocket responsibility (this is the portion of the vaccine cost for which you would be responsible).