Cancellation Policies

Missed or Late Appointment Policies


If you are unable to attend your appointment, please cancel twenty-four hours before your appointment is scheduled. Either cancel the appointment through the patient portal or by calling 612-625-3222

To cancel Mental Health appointments please call 612-624-1444.

To cancel Dental Appointments please call 612-624-9998.

The following clinics have specific penalties for failed appointments:

Dental Clinic

Failed appointments occur any time a patient has not given twenty-four hours' notice or arrives 10 minutes past their appointment time. Patients who fail 2 appointments in a 3-year period will not be allowed to schedule appointments at Boynton’s Dental Clinic.

Mental Health, Nutrition, Physical Therapy, and Travel Clinic

If you fail to cancel 24 hours before your scheduled appointment, you will be assessed a $25 failed appointment fee.

If you arrive late to your scheduled appointment, your appointment may be canceled, and you will be assessed a $25 late fee.

If you fail to attend the scheduled appointment, you will be assessed a $25 fee.


For questions about our cancellation policy, call our information line 612-625-8400.