If you have questions about our services, call 612-624-7655. Current patients can message us via the RxLocal app or text us at 763-951-1426.
Pharmacy Services
Frequent Questions
How do I get a prescription for Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT)?
Make an appointment with Boynton Primary Care to discuss your NRT prescription needs by contacting 612-625-3222.
How do I get one-on-one coaching to quit nicotine?
Quit Partner is Minnesota’s free way to quit nicotine, including smoking, vaping, and chewing. Visit quitpartnermn.com or call 800-QUIT-NOW (744-8669) for coaching and other helpful tools.
How much does emergency contraception (EC) cost?
You can purchase EC for ~$20 at Boynton Pharmacy. Most insurances cover EC at no charge to you when billed as a prescription.
What can I dispose of in your Medication Disposal Kiosk?
Accepted: Prescriptions (including Schedule II-V controlled substances), vitamins, ointments, patches, over-the-counter medications, and unused epinephrine pens.
Not accepted: aerosols, illegal drugs, inhalers, liquids, needles, thermometers, or waste from University departments or other businesses.